The Brooklyn Hospital Foundation is committed to providing a safe environment for our Founders Ball guests.

For guests attending the event in person, please note the following requirements: 

  • As a Hospital, we are requiring all guests to show proof of full vaccination as defined by the CDC. Proof of vaccination may include: NYC COVID Safe App; Excelsior Pass; CDC Vaccination Card (or photo of card); NYC vaccination record; or an official immunization record from outside NYC or the U.S.
  • All guests are required to show valid ID. A valid ID includes your name accompanied by a photograph or your date of birth, such as: driver’s license; government identification card; IDNYC card; passport; or school identification card.
  • We request that you will use your discretion and follow best practices with your attendance. We encourage guests to take a rapid COVID-19 test on the day of the event.
  • All guests must wear masks to enter the Brooklyn Museum. Masks are strongly recommended to be worn at all times when not eating or drinking.